We Love God`s Creation!
The Green Churches Network equips faith communities to opt for better ecological practices while educating members to live in a way that stewards creation.
Matthew Temple, Ph.D., a Carmelite monk from the United States, along with experts from the Institute of Ecological and Religious
This week, at the residence of the bishops of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy, a working meeting took place between the
The Ecological Commission of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy (MGCE) recently held an important meeting with the National Guard of Ukraine to
At the Berehovo Public Center “Everyone Can Help,” eco-activists hosted an educational session for children focused on stork conservation. With the storks soon beginning their mass migration to Africa for the winter, the session aimed to raise awareness about the challenges these birds face during their long journey. Additionally, the session highlighted the plight of storks that, due to injury or other reasons, will be unable to join the migration and will stay behind in Ukraine throughout the winter.
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