Cut back, collect, carry out

The world will be cleaner and better only if we follow the rules of waste with certain rules of the three “C’s”: cut back, collect, carry out. So do environmentalists around the world. This was discussed during a class with children of IDP and local schoolchildren, conducted by Lyubov Grechyn, a specialist in the Department of Environmental Education of Synevyr NNP on the basis of Synevyr Secondary School.

The purpose of the event: is to draw children’s attention to the environment through the rational use of natural resources and teach them to properly sort waste and yet – be able to use unnecessary things in order to give them a second life. Each participant of the event presented himself as an environmentalist. Everyone had a dream: to have less waste in their native village, country, and all over the world and no landfills at all. What to do for this – they all decided together. It was nice to hear that young people are ready to get involved in worthwhile work to protect the environment. Everyone understood and came to the conclusion that this is possible if:

• reduce the number of things that you use in your daily life;

• waste management in separate containers so that waste can be processed into useful things;

• use exploited and unnecessary things again – give them a second life, give unnecessary toys – to neighbors, acquaintances; for example, make something beautiful out of a plastic bottle…

Children learned to sort waste and received gifts for interesting answers with the help of ecological games.

The event was held in cooperation with the Interreligious and Environmental Civil Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF, headed by Alexander Bokotey) on the project “Responsibility for Creation and Women of the Carpathians” implemented by IRCEF in cooperation with partnership support of the Archdiocese of Bamberg (Erzbistum Bamberg), the Diocese of Würzburg (Bistum Würzburg) and Renovabis (Organization for Assistance to Eastern Europe from the Catholic Church in Germany).

Informational Service of  IRCEF

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