On August 3rd, a workshop was held on the topic: “Aroma oil for a bath with lavender” at the parish of the Lord Ascension in the village of Mala and Velyka Roztoka, located on the outskirts of the “Enchanted Territory” National Nature Park. The event was conducted by Mrs. Nataliya Stetso, a teacher at the Velykoroztitska primary school and an IRCEF leading expert. This is the fifth day of the eco-camp, in which 35 children participated. During the event, the leading expert of IRCEF and the well-known teacher Nataliya Stetso told about medical plants and conducted a workshop on making aroma salt.
The children, together with the expert, enthusiastically set to work together. The entire production process was divided into several stages. First, it was necessary to make an aroma mixture of salt; natural flax seed and walnut oils; citric acid; corn starch; food coloring; essential oils of orange, bergamot, and eucalyptus. After thorough mixing, the children added dried lavender flowers and mint leaves, and then poured the mixture into bags, adding flowers, lemon, and orange rings. Good wishes were attached at the end of the process. All eco-products made by children will be sold at the Sunday Fair. All funds received for eco-products will be transferred to the support of IDPs and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The event was held within the framework of the project “Churches, religious and public organizations for the environmental of national minorities”, implemented by the Interreligious and Environmental Civil Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) (head by Alexander Bokotey) in cooperation with the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU Bundesverband NABU International ) under with the support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt) project coordinators Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU), Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).
Informational Service of IRCEF