Upgrading and enhancing IRCEF web resources

On July 21, 2022, another online meeting of representatives of the Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies (IERS) and the Interreligious and Civil Nature Conservation Form of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) took place regarding the study of the problem of ways to organize and optimize work processes within the framework of this project.

The following took part:

  • Oleksandr Bokotey — head of the Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies and Executive Secretary of IRCEF;
  • Bohdan Motuzenko — IRCEF expert, research coordinator, founder of the “Project Bureau” group;
  • Mykhailo Bilanych — IERS expert, project coordinator;
  • Natalia Kulya — IERS expert, project coordinator;
  • Iryna Shishkina — DBU Fellow and IERS expert;
  • Oksana Yevdosyuk is an expert on social media development, IERS content manager;
  • Yurij Tolvaj is a web designer, photographer, and IERS operator.

The meeting was also attended by Liliya Skumatova and Kristina Kutsyn – communication managers and representatives of the executive department of IERS.

During the meeting there were:

1. Updated versions of websites (IERS and IRCEF) and problematic aspects and recommendations of participants regarding working with web resources and adapting them to foreign languages that ​​were demonstrated and highlighted;

2. A number of creative ideas for improving the quality and variability of social media and text content are proposed;

3. The effectiveness of the use of applications from the Google service in the project work was substantiated, in particular, and a decision was made to integrate the Google calendar into the work of the team;

4. Analytical and statistical data on the question of the dynamics of changes in the activity of users in social networks were presented and the increase in traffic was noted;

5. An active discussion was held regarding the problem of optimizing the work of social networks, including the YouTube channel, and various methods and tools were proposed for improving previously gained results;

6. The necessity of applying marketing strategies, methods, and techniques in the comprehensive development of social networks and work with news resources are highlighted;

7. The issue of structuring archival data and the need to create templates, and action algorithms for working with existing improvement tools were discussed;

8. Summarized and further directions of work on the way to optimization and automation of work are determined as well.

The webinar was held as part of the cooperation of the Interreligious and Environmental Civil Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) (head by  Alexander Bokotey) in cooperation with the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU Bundesverband NABU International ) and project coordinators Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU)Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).



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