Witness & Grace Conversations: An Estate Plan for the Earth

Together with Global Sisters Report, EarthBeat is hosting a special environment-related Witness & Grace Conversation. Please join us for this virtual event:

An Estate Plan for the Earth
Presented by Sr. Verónica Méndez and Beth Piggush


As they live out their commitment to care for creation, women\’s religious communities have become leaders in local land conservation. To mark this monthlong Season of Creation, EarthBeat and Global Sisters Report will host a virtual conversation with representatives of two communities that have made different decisions about how to preserve their land for future generations. The session will be moderated by Brian Roewe (EarthBeat) and Chris Herlinger (Global Sisters Report), and will accompany a series of articles about how religious communities are making land-use decisions, which will begin September 27 on EarthBeat.org and GlobalSistersRepot.org.

Witness & Grace Conversations: An Estate Plan for the Earth

Presented by Sr. Verónica Méndez and Beth Piggush

September 29, 2021
3 P.M. New York  | 2 P.M. Chicago |  1 P.M. Denver | 12 P.M. Los Angeles


As they live out their commitment to care for creation, women\’s religious communities have become leaders in local land conservation. To mark this monthlong Season of Creation, EarthBeat and Global Sisters Report will host a virtual conversation with representatives of two communities that have made different decisions about how to preserve their land for future generations. The session will be moderated by Brian Roewe (EarthBeat) and Chris Herlinger (Global Sisters Report), and will accompany a series of articles about how religious communities are making land-use decisions, which will begin September 27 on EarthBeat.org and GlobalSistersReport.org.


Beth Piggush is the integral ecology director for the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. She has an evolving purpose that includes serving as a resource and promoting environmental and sustainability best practices that support care for all of God\’s creation. Two major parts of Beth’s work are promoting the Global Laudato Si Action Platform and the FSPA land on St. Joseph Ridge which includes 200 acres of woodlands, prairies and crops.

Sr. Verónica Méndez of the Institute of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico, and raised in New York City\’s Spanish Harlem. She holds a Masters of Theology in Hispanic Ministry from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California, and has worked with her congregation in Florida, South Carolina and New York, mainly in religious education. She also has been involved in national outreach to Spanish speakers in the U.S. church and in vocation work for the Archdiocese of New York. Sr. Veronica, who is celebrating 60 years of religious life this year, directed the Marydell Camp in Nyack, New York, from 1981 to 1988. She served as president of her congregation from 2014 to 2018, leading the community as it made arrangements to conserve a portion of its property.

National Catholic Reporter:     [email protected]


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