Primary school children from Berehovo’s Lyceum named after Fedir Potushnyak participated in the “Know-it-all” summer school, which brought them to the “Everyone Can Help” volunteer center for an informative lesson with naturalists Zhanna Dybyl and Maria Kushnir.

Leonid Pokrytyuk, a center volunteer and expert at the Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies, led the students on a tour of the count’s yard, where he showed them the birds and animals he cares for and explained the peculiarities of their treatment. Children were drawn to small Bantam (poultry), docile white storks, and prey birds, but their encounter with Arkady, a small owl, and fancy rats was particularly lively.

 During the excursion, the nature researchers discovered the following fascinating animal facts: – why albinos have transparent eyes; – whether owls can see during the day; – how to identify prey birds by their silhouettes; – what to do if you find a fledgling (a bird that cannot yet fly): – what insectivorous birds eat.

The event was held with the participation of IDP children in the framework of cooperation between the Interreligious and Environmental Civil Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) (headed by  Olexander Bokotey) and the “Everyone Can Help” Volunteer Center with the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU BundesverbandNABU International), project coordinators  Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU), Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).

Informational Service of IRCEF

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