A fascinating thematic event on the responsible attitude to birds took place in Bozdoskyi Park in on August 16. A responsible attitude towards birds, as God’s Creations and an inseparable part of living nature, is significant. Birds are our faithful helpers, and protectors of forests, fields, and gardens. They can be seen and heard everywhere, as they are a part of nature, and the beauty would be incomplete without them. Therefore, they must be protected and preserved, taken care of, and helped in difficult times.
All birds are useful and beautiful. We need to love nature and treat our feathered friends with care. So, Andrij Donichenko, head of the society of people with disabilities “Parallelnyi svit” in the Art Park “City of Happy People” (Bozdoskyj Park) showed an interesting workshop on making nesting structures for birds in order to draw attention to the protection of birds, which children decorated with their drawings, and participated in their installation as well.
Also, the participants of the action had the opportunity to participate in the assembly (from pre-made parts) of stands for waste disposal. Responsible waste management is also an essential topic because solid waste often causes the death of birds and other living beings. These stands will be an opportunity to learn how to sort garbage for many young people and not only them. The handmade nest structures, i.e. birdhouses, were installed nearby in the Bozdoskyj park on trees. Hopefully, they will be inhabited by bird families in spring.
The event was held as part of the cooperation of the Interreligious and Environmental Civil Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) (head by Alexander Bokotey) in cooperation with the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU Bundesverband NABU International ), and project coordinators Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU), Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).
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