Environmental and patriotic quest with a workshop “Keyholder for our defenders”

The second day of the mini-camp brought together about 38 children aged 4 to 14. On this day, Mrs. Nataliya Stetso (IRCEF expert) conducted an ecological and patriotic quest with a workshop “Keyholder for defenderі”. The children solved ecological crosswords, played games, and looked for “clues” in the bushes and flowers on the territory of the church, which indicated the theme of today’s event. Thus, they learned and memorized the names of the plant world (as #God_Сreation) of the parish territory.

After exhausting work and a small snack, everyone started to work: after receiving carved wooden tridents – the emblems of our Motherland, they began to decorate with pencils and markers, after which they picked up ropes with metal carabiners to fasten a key ring to them. All received keyholders, together with the collected aid, will be given to the defenders of Ukraine on the front line. In this way, Natalia Stetso managed to combine patriotic and ecological education in one thematic event of the summer children’s camp.

The event was held within the framework of the project “Responsibility for Creation and Women of the Carpathians”, which is implemented by the Interreligious and environmental civil forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) (headed by Alexander Bokotey) and the Ecological Commission of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy in cooperation with the Archdiocese of Bamberg (Erzbistum Bamberg), the Diocese of Würzburg (Bistum Würzburg) and Renovabis (Organization for Assistance to Eastern Europe from the Catholic Church in Germany).

Informational Sevice of IRCEF

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