Young Residents of Berehovo are getting ready to welcome migratory birds

The monitoring of migratory bird return is actively underway in the Transcarpathian region, with volunteers from the Berehovo Volunteer Center “Everyone Can Help” aiming to educate children about birds’ springtime lives. The class dedicated to this purpose was organized where ornithologist Leonid Pokrytyuk shared insights on the species diversity of migratory and wintering birds, their diets, and nesting behaviors.

During the session, as the children listened to the educational information and engaged in didactic games, they gained knowledge on when and how to feed birds without causing harm. They also learned to identify common bird species in the town and reviewed appropriate behavior guidelines during the nesting season. Moreover, participants worked together to create a bird feeder, which was then hung in the backyard to provide support for birds during the spring frosts.

The event was held within the framework of cooperation between the Interreligious and Civil Environmental Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) headed by Olexander Bokotey) and the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU BundesverbandNABU International), project coordinators  Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU), and Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).

Informational Service of IRCEF



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At the Berehovo Public Center “Everyone Can Help,” eco-activists hosted an educational session for children focused on stork conservation. With the storks soon beginning their mass migration to Africa for the winter, the session aimed to raise awareness about the challenges these birds face during their long journey. Additionally, the session highlighted the plight of storks that, due to injury or other reasons, will be unable to join the migration and will stay behind in Ukraine throughout the winter.