That’s the next theme for the meeting which was held in the Khust region. The event was actively attended by parents and children of IDPs who temporarily live in the buildings of the Ostritskyi Environmental Research Department in Synevyr National Nature Park. The event was conducted by a specialist in the Environmental Education Department in Synevyr National Nature Park – Lyubov Grechyn.
The participants of the event got acquainted with the values of nature, which are not only economic but also aesthetic, ecological, scientific, recreational, educational, and spiritual – all incomparably important for humans. “Do not harm, do not interfere in the natural process, respect the rights of nature!” – these are important principles that will help preserve it.

Forests, whose role is extremely important to society, need special care. The forest is a real treasure so that only its gifts can be used wisely, and every conscious person should be aware of this.
Staying outside helped the participants to master the material well. Everyone actively participated in the conversation. Everyone realized that he or she could make a significant contribution to nature conservation, join good deeds, and not harm nature. With God’s help, with the right management and rational use of the creation entrusted to man – nature, we will preserve this priceless gift, because we’re in charge of nature!

The event was held in cooperation with the Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies (IERS) (headed by Alexander Bokotey) and the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU Bundesverband, NABU International), project coordinator Ivan Tymofeiev).
Informational Service of IRCEF