Environmental Education and Awareness Building in Vayots Dzor Region of Armenia

Name of the program (to the donor)Evangelical Students Association (FEST) Research Center Hans Diefenbacher, Schmaylweg 5, D-69118 Heidelberg, Germany
Name in English               Environmental Education and Awareness Building in Vayots Dzor Region of Armenia
SectorEnvironmental Education
Area of the projectUkraine, Armenia, Germany
Duration of the project              01.04.2019 – 01.04.2020
Short description of the project:     This project aims to raise environmental awareness of the rural population of the Wyot Dzor region of Southern Armenia and address some issues related to waste management and increased energy consumption in the region. This goal will be achieved through the transfer of knowledge during environmental seminars and through a series of practical small-scale pilot projects aimed at raising awareness of possible changes in people’s habits towards a more sustainable lifestyle.