The world of birds is an amazing and impressive part of nature. When a professional ornithologist talks about birds and can also suggest who pleases us with its singing at this moment or whose silhouette we see in the sky – such communication with nature becomes unforgettable. This is the expert of the Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies, Leonid Pokrytyuk, who seems to know everything about birds. He held another environmental and educational event for the youth of the Beregovo district on April 17th.
Participants visited Mount Kerek, where they admired the views of the “Chornyj Mochar”, the snow-capped peaks of Slovakia, and the city from a bird’s eye view. How do birds look at us, what do they feel, what do they eat, how do they survive? These and many other questions were answered by young people with the help of a professional ornithologist.

The route of the trip had to be adjusted due to the bad weather of the previous day because the forest trails were overflowing with water. Despite the obstacles that the participants successfully and even happily overcame, they reached the “Berehivske Gorbohirya”. It was quiet there.

Leonid Pokrytyuk acquainted the participants of the trip with edible plants of Beregovo nature. We managed to find a dozen such species, as fig buttercup, hops, dandelion, common eagle fern, primrose, lungwort, garlic mustard, broadleaf plantain, and black elderberry.
The real zest of the event was bird watching. We managed to see (and hear some) from two dozen species of birds: common buzzard, pheasant, woodpecker, jay, rook, gray crow, blackcap, lesser whitethroat, chiffchaff, robin, blackbird, song thrush, great tit, wood nuthatch, house sparrow, field sparrow, finch, serin, corn bunting. Some species were identified by the participants of the event, but some had to consult an ornithologist. He told in detail about each bird that was seen or heard during the trip. Young people increased their knowledge of birds and gained positive emotions from communication with nature.
The event was held in cooperation with the Interreligious and Environmental Civil Forum of Eastern Europe – IRCEF (headed by Alexander Bokotey) and the German Nature Conservation Union (#NABU), and project coordinator Ivan Tymofeiev.
Informational Service of IRCEF