Marcus Vogt (October 26, 1962, Freiburg) is a German Catholic theologian and professor of social ethics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich.
Marcus Vogt studied theology and philosophy in Munich, Jerusalem and Lucerne. Vogt was the grandson of the Englishman Theodor Spear (1885-1961, University of Königsberg), who had been removed from office during National Socialism on the grounds of his political and religious convictions. Nephew of the classical philologist Andreas Spear (1929-2004, University of Mainz)) [1], as well as the brother of the Latinist Gregor Vogt-Spear (* 1956, Marburg) [2] and Professor Matthias Theodor Vogt, a scientist in the field of cultural policy and author of numerous cultural studies factors influencing the strengthening of democratic capacity in Europe. Vogt wrote his doctoral dissertation on “Social Darwinism” [2] in Munich under the guidance of one of the most outspoken German researchers of social and social ethics, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Korff. The dissertation was published in 1997 under the title “Social Darwinism. Scientific Theories, Political and Theological-Ethical Aspects of the Theory of Evolution ”in the world-famous German publishing house Herder-Ferlag. His habilitation work on the topic: “The principle of sustainable development.” The scheme from the theological and ethical point of view ”was written under the guidance of prof. Dr. Hans Munk in Lucerne and in 2009 was published in Munich by Oekom-Verlag.
From 1992 to 1995 he was a member of the Expert Council on the Environment under the German Federal Government. Since 1995 he has been an adviser to the working group on environmental issues of the VI Commission of the German Episcopal Conference [3]. From 1998 to 2007, Vogt was a professor of Christian social ethics at the Don Bosco University of Philosophy and Theology in Benedictboyern [4] (Bavaria) and chairman of the Church and Environment Clearing Center.
Since April 2007, Vogt has been a professor of social and ethics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. Since 2011, Marcus Vogt has been conducting research at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society Development at the University of Munich. Ludwig-Maximilian, where he is a representative of the working group on Christian social ethics in a German-speaking environment.
Marcus Vogt is married and has three children.
Scientist Vogt focuses on the philosophical foundations of socio-ethical principles as well as environmental and business ethics. Through his scientific work, he contributed to Christian social ethics, emphasizing the importance of environmental protection and formulated a new socio-ethical principle of sustainable development or the principle of sustainability.
In 2017, he received the International Prize of the Pontifical Foundation “Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice” for his work “Principle of Sustainability” from the chairman of the jury Reinhard Cardinal Marx and President of the Domingo Foundation Sugrenas Bickel in the Vatican. The scheme from a theological and ethical point of view [7] [8]. On June 12, 2018, Vogt was awarded the “Bavarian State Medal for Outstanding Contribution to the Environment.” [9] [10]
Membership in scientific, political and church commissions and committees
- Secretary of the Association of Social Ethics in a German-speaking environment
Rachel Carson Senior Research Fellow, Center for International Environmental History (since 2010); - Co-editor of Amos International magazine. Creating a just society (since 2009)
Member of the Center for Ethical Competence at the University of Munich. Ludwig-Maximilian (since 2007); - Diocesan Council of the Archdiocese of Munich-Friesin;
- Justitia et Pax Germany (Working Group on the World Economy and Agricultural Trade)
Head of the Department of Environmental Protection at the Episcopal Conference of Europe (1999-2008); - Working Group “Economy and Church” in the Confederation of Catholic Entrepreneurs;
- Working Group “Science and Theology” of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria.
- Lehrstuhl für Christliche Sozialethik – Katholh-Theologische Fakultät – LMU München. (de). Процитовано 2018-02-01.
- ↑ Наші видання і публікації. Процитовано 2018-07-12.
- ↑ Bischofskonferenz, Deutsche. Kommission für gesellschaftliche und soziale Fragen. (de). Процитовано 2018-07-12.
- ↑ Campus Benediktbeuern (de-DE). Процитовано 2018-07-12.
- ↑ Prof. Dr. Markus Vogt – Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät – LMU München. (de). Процитовано 2018-07-12.
- ↑ Національна бібліотека Німеччини, Державна бібліотека в Берліні, Баварська державна бібліотека та ін. Record #120990407 // Німецька нормативна база даних — 2012—2016.
- ↑ «Internationaler Preis der Stiftung „Centesimus Annus“ geht an Markus Vogt», Zenit, 15. Februar 2017, abgerufen am 17. Mai 2017.
- ↑ «Zwei Deutsche von Papst-Stiftung ausgezeichnet», Deutschlandfunk, 19. Mai 2017.
- ↑ Bayerische Staatsmedaille für Verdienste um die Umwelt. (de). Процитовано 2018-07-12.
- ↑ Bayerische Staatsmedaille für herausragende Verdienste um die Umwelt – Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät – LMU München. (de). Архів оригіналу за 2018-07-12. Процитовано 2018-07-12.