The Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy’s Ecological Commission hosted a working meeting of the head of the Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies, Oleksandr Bokotey, with the administrator of the International Greek Catholic Church’s Ascension parish, Yevhen Stetso, and his wife, teacher Natalia Stetso. During the meeting, they recounted their recent experiences in ecological education and shared fresh ideas for growing the Transcarpathian environmental church network.
Natalia Stetso recently reviewed and received educational materials prepared by the IERS and IRCEF team, which she will use to teach children about the environment. She was given new garbage sorting lap books, a new batch of bat and bird handouts, bird posters, and encouraging stickers for children.

Oleksandr Bokotey revealed the pedagogical development of the mobile eco-theater, which IERS intends to offer to regional educational institutions and libraries soon. Natalia Stetso highlighted the value of such materials in educational work with children and offered suggestions for incorporating eco-theater into the educational process.
In exchange, the MGCE’s Ecological Commission received a new set of gift arrangements made of eco-soap, which the couple makes themselves as part of various environmental education initiatives with parish children. The flowers will be handed to parishioners and clergy of the Greek Catholic Cathedral, as well as visitors of the MGCE Residence of the Bishops, to draw their attention to the environment and remind them of their personal responsibilities to Creation – Nature.

Informational Service of IRCEF