Schoolchildren from the Gecha Gymnasium named after Kaidi Lajos recently visited the Berehovo public center “Everyone Can Help” to learn about bird conservation efforts. This visit allowed the students to observe the feathered inhabitants of the Count’s Court, under the care of ornithologist Leonid Pokrytyuk. The volunteers provided a comprehensive tour of the center, showcasing the birds residing there and explaining why each cannot return to the wild.
A significant part of the visit was dedicated to the birds of the Ciconiidae family, particularly the white stork. This focus coincided with the All-Ukrainian census of the white stork, an initiative by the “Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds” in collaboration with the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU). The children learned about the stork’s closest relatives, their dietary preferences, nesting habits, and migration patterns. Leonid Pokrytyuk also shared valuable information on how to assist storks in distress. In the center’s yard, the students had the chance to directly observe storks and other birds, enhancing their understanding through real-life interactions. The experience was further enriched in the green classroom, where the children engaged in various tasks related to the life of these birds, consolidating their newfound knowledge.
The event was held in the framework of cooperation between the Interreligious and Civil Environmental Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) headed by Olexander Bokotey) and the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU Bundesverband, NABU International), project coordinators Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU), and Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).
Informational Service of IRCEF