In order to celebrate key April environmental events like Snowdrop Day, World Environment Day, and International Earth Day, specialists from the Interreligious and Civil Environmental Forum of Eastern Europe arranged a unique environmental education session for students at Uzhhorod Gymnasium #13.

The lesson began with a prayer and a discussion about the history and significance of these environmental holidays around the world. Teacher Simona Bondarieva introduced the students to the diverse biodiversity of spring flowers, including their names in different languages and conservation efforts in various countries. Through this, Ms. Simona aimed to illustrate how environmental preservation is a common goal shared by people worldwide. Following a traditional dance, the students listened to the enchanting legend behind the name of the snowdrop flower. This expanded their knowledge of not only snowdrops but also other early spring blossoms and highlighted the importance of their protection.

In conclusion, under Ms. Simona’s guidance, the children created postcards with delicate flowers to remind them of the importance of protecting these precious natural treasures.

The event was held within the framework of cooperation between the Interreligious and Civil Environmental Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) headed by Olexander Bokotey) and the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU BundesverbandNABU International), project coordinators  Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU), and Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).

Informational Service of IRCEF

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