Be a friend of nature!

Nature is our friend, which we have to treat with respect. As you know, friendship is a great value. So why do we have fun with our friends, but neglect nature? It shouldn’t be like that. Nature gives us life – so let’s take care of nature the way it deserves. However, for some reason, mankind does not realize the power of nature: they pollute and destroy it. Our friend takes offense to such behavior and begins to pay for it with various natural disasters. So let’s live in unity with Nature, take care of and help each other.

The educational event “Be a friend to nature!” was recently held for the children (aged 7 to 13) of the parish camp in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Baranyntsi., under the leadership of Oksana Kremin, head of the organizational and mass work department of TRENCSY. At the beginning of the ecological journey, the children together with the host of the event were imaginatively transported to the magical world of nature, where there were many appealing ecological games and educational entertainment.

The children did the tasks e.g. they solved the riddles “What grows in a forest house?”, recognized animals by description, turned to the folk wisdom by combining parts of proverbs about nature, and studied “Rules of behavior in nature”, completed unfinished sentences. The children played friendly and enthusiastically, in particular: “Crossroads of fun games”, where everyone named an animal and showed it; young people imitated the sounds of the forest in the game “How the forest talks”, and were especially attentive in the game “Let’s clap our hands”, children clapped if the named plant grows in our region, and kept silent if not. The event ended with the awarding of the most active participants and a joint photo.

The event was held within the framework of the project “Churches, religious and public organizations for the environmental of national minorities”, implemented by the Interreligious and Environmental Civil Forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) (head by  Alexander Bokotey) in cooperation with the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU Bundesverband NABU International ) under with the support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt #AA_Kultur) project coordinators Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU)Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).  

Informational Service: Oksana Kremin (Head of the department of organizational and mass work of TRENCSY)

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