Announcement for the Environmental Small Grant Competition


In the scope of the project Environmental Education and Awareness Building in Vayots Dzor Region of Armenia and in Zakarpatia Regionof Ukraine implemented by Syunik-Development NGO in collaboration with Ukrainian partner organization Institute of Studies in Ecology and Religion announces environmental small grant competition.

Environmental small grant projects want to enhance environmental awareness in the communities of Zakarpatia region, which will be aimed at:

  1. biodiversity conservation,
  2. efficient energy management, 
  3. sustainable use of natural resources,
  4. renewable energy,
  5. ecosystem conservation and management,
  6. the creation/maintenance of green spaces in communities. 

Who can apply?

Small grants are available to regional NGOs, local governments, community-based individuals/ groups, institutions of general and higher education.

Duration of the project and budget:

The duration of the implementation of the project shouldn\’t exceed 3 months.

The maximum amount of a grant should be up to a maximum of €1200.

The expenditures should be directed to the implementation of program activities.

For the implementation of the project funding from applicant or other sources is encouraged.

The order of submitted application and the list of documents:

To apply for grant competition you need to send the application and the budget to the e-mail: [email protected].  

The deadline for submission of application is October 5th, 2019. The results will be summarized on October 11, 2019.


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