Acquaintance with the biodiversity of flora and fauna of the eco-center

It’s already summer – the long-awaited time of the year, the time of rest, new emotions, and impressions. Every year, schoolchildren from the Uzhhorod and its outskirts visited the Transcarpathian Regional Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students Youth in order to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the living nature, the ecological path of the arboretum, and the creative laboratories of the institution.

So, the other day students of the 5th grade of the Uzhhorod Secondary School No. 20 – Lyceum “Leader” visited the eco-center. Children, teachers, and guests were warmly welcomed by TRENCSY teachers – Oksana Kremin and Yulianna Kurak. The meeting began with an important story about the rules of behavior in the wildlife corner. The children had the opportunity to see various fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, turtles, rabbits, and various types of birds. Schoolchildren shared their own experiences of raising their pets, telling a lot of useful and interesting information about their keeping at home and feeding.  The little visitors examined the educational and research reservoir with great interest and paid attention to a large number of pond sliders basking in the sun.

The final stage of the excursion was an educational environmental quest called “Naturalists”. The children fulfilled the task of the quest, namely: they searched for the description of rare plants and animals on the territory of the institution, photographed them, and depicted a picture from natural materials. Having received a sea of ​​positive emotions, both adults and children took beautiful photos in memory of our meeting. Saying goodbye, Denys, a 5th-grade student, noted: “The territory of the eco-center is an extremely beautiful and cozy place, where plants grow and animals live who came from different parts of the world. I will definitely visit more than once with my friends!”

The event was held as part of the cooperation of the Transcarpathian Regional Ecological and Naturalistic Center of Students Youth (TRENCSY) the Interreligious and environmental civil forum of Eastern Europe (IRCEF) (head by Alexander Bokotey) with the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU Bundesverband NABU International ), project coordinators  Ivan Tymofeiev (NABU)Nataliya Kulya (IRCEF).

Oksana Kremin, Head of the organizational and mass work Department in TRENCSY

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